Fun Activities For My Students At E10 Leyton On Their First Day Back To School

my students at E10 Leyton on their first day back in school

My students in E10 Leyton have various activities that keep my preschool excited on their first day and ready to learn.


First day at school books:


To mentally prepare my students for school, I read the first day back in school stories with my students. The brave, adventurous stories about the first days and the exciting things they can look forward to in the term prepare the minds of my students in E10 Leyton for the term’s work.


Classroom tours and Scavenger hunts:


Another fun classroom first-day-back-in-school activity I have with my students in E10 Leyton is “classroom tours and scavenger hunts”. I hide some new stationeries with clues, so as they look for their welcome back gift, they tour the class through their scavenger hunt experience. This game with my students is one we both enjoy and helps reduce the pressure and tension that comes with the first days.


“Get to know each other:


My students in  E10 Leyton and I have a first-day game where we get to introduce ourselves to each other. I introduce myself to the class and allow each of them to continue; this activity helps the new students in my class.


Planning classroom rules:


 I allow my students to help build and establish the rules and procedures for the period. It helps them to feel a part of the teaching and learning process, and they abide by those rules because they are a part of it. 


These first-day activities have helped my students in E10 Leyton at the begging of every term.


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