Questions Applicants for Nursery Teacher jobs must ask during Interviews

nursery teacher jobs

Nursery teacher jobs are not just for the schools. It’s also for the nursery teacher. Both applicants and recruiters for nursery teacher jobs must make sure they are a perfect fit. Here are some questions applicants can ask interviewers to find out more about the schools during an interview for nursery teacher jobs:


  • What are your expectations for me in this role?

Mostly, applicants for nursery teacher jobs are excited about the job and forget to ask questions. Knowing what a recruiter expects from applicants helps the applicants to know what the school needs, and that will help the applicants know exactly how to come in to help. In most cases, Recruiters list the problems or describe the job description of the nursery teacher jobs and how they expect the nursery teacher to fill that position. Applicants who ask interviewers these questions get a better view of how difficult or easy the job may be.


  • What’s the performance review process like here? 

Performance review is an important part of a nursery teacher’s job. Applicants should be able to ensure how the school may go about their performance review. This will help candidates to find out if the institution is concerned about capacity building for its staff or not.


  • What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against?

Applicants need to find out during interviews how the school measures success. During a performance review, what will they look out for to ensure that the staff was successful or not? Some schools measure success with the cognitive development of students, some measure with availability and flexibility of nursery teacher jobs and others have different ways they measure success in nursery teacher jobs. Candidates need to know all these to help them work effectively and efficiently towards what’s most important for the school and what the school used to measure their success as nursery teachers’ jobs.


These are some of the questions applicants must ask to ensure that they find the best working environment they can succeed in.


If you are looking for a job in one of our nurseries across London, Middlesex, Surrey, Essex, and Hertfordshire, then contact us today at 0207 1188 994 or email your CV stating the role you want. Our job roles range from Nursery Practitioner, Early Years Practitioner, Nursery Teacher, Nursery Agency bank staff, Nursery Chef and Nursery Manager.


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