Are you running out of ideas for toddlers to memorise math answers?
Here are three possible ways.
A Song
Instead of giving out answers by speaking it out, sing it. So why sing it instead of saying it? It’s memorable, catchy and energetic; this reduces toddlers from struggling to remember answers, and it’s much healthier. Repetition is essential for singing a song, so don’t sing it once; sing it more than once a day, so those answers refresh toddlers’ brains.
Repeat Activities
Again, repetition is essential. Toddlers participating in activities lead to toddlers building up skills such as solving abilities; time management by knowing the answer quicker than they used to. If the activity involves having a partner, it increases teamwork and social skills.
Math Objects
Math objects such as counters, abacus, cubes, dice and many more can help toddlers find their answers; a table of numbers template can even help. Those objects can help build their self-confidence and creativity in finding ways to answer questions; it improves memory and concentration.