Nursery Teacher Skills: Interpreting A Child’s Language… However it’s Spoken

nursery teacher skills

Many schools of thought offer varying theories about how emotions develop and function. Young children are believed to be capable of a much wider range of emotions compared to adults. Whether true or not, if you’ve ever been around a child in the early years, then you’d have noticed that it’s often impossible to know for sure how they are feeling. Oftentimes, they can’t tell us but through crying and cooing, children in the early years certainly communicate something, always.


Helping the Child Discover the World

Children are born with the need and desire to connect with those around them. Therefore caregivers such as the ECE educator plays a critical role in establishing positive relationships with the child during the early years, making the child feel safe and secure. This is one of the major nursery teacher skills that lay the foundation for the child’s healthy social and emotional development.


In the early childhood education setting, one of the key nursery teacher skills is the ability to decipher the language of the child, however, it’s expressed to respond accordingly. 


The early years infant is now discovering the world- the good and all the others that come with it and they are noticing how everything makes them feel.


The nursery teacher skills in this setting are geared towards leveraging the learning environment to foster growth in this stage of the child’s development. These nursery teacher skills may range from creating a safe, consistent environment to encouraging self-soothing and the teacher intentionally showing their emotions in front of children to position themselves as their emotional role model.


Becoming an Emotional Role Model for the Child

Also, the nursery teacher skills may involve matching a child’s facial expressions and vocalising your feelings to help the child notice both their emotions and yours. These small actions can have a significant impact as the single biggest influence on the behaviour of a child is how the caregiver responds to their emotions. The child eventually emulates the nursery teacher or caregiver, so critical to the nursery teacher skills is the ability to help the child regulate their emotions and responses by modelling the desired behaviours themselves.


A great ECE centre makes room for nursery teachers and children to navigate these emotional rollercoaster journeys as they figure out the best responses for their development. Quint Education connects the best qualified ECE educator to some of these ECE centres all over the UK. 


Our nurseries across London, Middlesex, Essex, Surrey and Hertfordshire are friendly and supportive places to work.  We have a wide range of jobs from Early Years Practitioner, Nursery Practitioner, Nursery Agency bank staff, Nursery Manager, Nursery Teacher to Nursery Chef.


We’d love to see what you can bring, please call Quint Education today on 0207 1188 994 or email your CV stating the role you are interested in.

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