K14 West Byfleet Nursery School Children Teach New Teacher A Thing or Two.

K14 West Byfleet Nursery School Children looking on during one of their class activities.

When you’re getting your footing as a nursery teacher, it can be easy to plan just a few activities that will check the box for meeting the learning objectives for the day. But you’ll also quickly learn that you need other ways to supplement those core plans because sometimes, they’re just not enough. That was the lesson Michelle had to learn quickly at a K14 West Byfleet nursery school.


It was a Monday, and her first day on the job. Michelle and her nursery children were all excited in equal measure. The children were excited to meet their new nursery teacher for the first time, the new nursery teacher, Michelle, was excited to meet her nursery children for the first time.


Michelle had been lucky to have had an acquaintance who recommended Quint Education to her when she was seriously job searching for a  K14 West Byfleet nursery school. Quint Education had facilitated her easy placement into this great nursery school. Michelle was loving it there already for its resources and spacious playgrounds.


Before coming in on Monday, she had thought about some few activities to engage the nursery children with after each lesson. But Michelle would soon run out of activities and that was when the chaos began. The nursery children began displaying all manner of behaviours: some simply slept off, those who still had some energy to expend, began shouting and running around the classroom and for the more contemplative ones, they simply sat and stared.


Michelle felt helpless and it wasn’t going to be break time anytime soon, so she knew she had to improvise with the activities they had already done. But that didn’t work also because the children were bored out of them already.


One important lesson she’d learned during her school training which was reiterated by Quint Education in the form of a debrief was the need to always have enough activities and games up her sleeves since children, as she knew, weren’t exactly known for their long attention spans. But obviously she had downplayed this fact and planned for just 2 activities thinking they’d suffice for the day.


But these K14 West Byfleet nursery school children had reminded her of a very important lesson. Frustrated as she was, yet she was grateful these children were already keeping her on her toes, also, already. She was there for it.


Michelle’s Lesson on Day 1: Always be prepared with plenty hands-on activities to engage children throughout the day. Even if it’s a few activities, be prepared ahead of time on how to creatively improvise so as not to bore children.


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